The gynaecological challenges that females can face at different times thought their life is often what brings a women to my practice. Endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and fertility problems are now becoming more common, with PCOS even occurring in teenagers. Genetic inheritance, in relation to a family history of these complaints, plays a role, but the important question is what is triggering the genes to develop these illnesses? The new science of epigenetics has discovered that a gene which can cause a particular condition must be “switched on” for a person to develop that condition. If the gene is “switched off” the person doesn’t suffer from the particular illness. For over 200 years homeopaths have used the term misam to refer to a persons inherited susceptibility to develop certain illnesses. With regular homeopathic treatment a miasm can be reduced to such a low level that the person is no longer susceptible to the illness. Common symptoms of women with gynaecological conditions include menstrual irregularities, pelvic pain including painful periods & pain on intercourse, and infertility. Candida overgrowth, or thrush, can be caused by antibiotics which kill off the good bacteria in the digestive tract. This interferes with the removal of old hormones from the body and contributes to hormone imbalance. To achieve optimal health all aspects of a person must be taken into consideration, not just a hormone level on a blood test. Reducing your susceptibility to illness will not only help with your current symptoms, it will enable you to stay healthy and happy in the future.
- athnat